CAM’s FIRST BLOCKBUSTER: Sir Leslie Thornton RA(e)
22 March to 6 July 6th 2025
This exhibition spans the 50-year career of “Sir” Leslie Thornton, acknowledging decades of sustained practice and a life-long commitment to creating. It features over 130 works and celebrates Thornton’s whimsical, playful and Australian centric approach. His reverently irreverent homage to the local sits comfortably alongside the cultural and relevant – developed in the parallel practice streams of painting, sculpture and fictitious documents. Witness the wit and wile of Sir Les – a true-blue iconoclast whose art imitates life as he lives and sees it.

Djaara Country 14 Lyttleton Street Castlemaine Vic 3450
03 5472 2272 castlemaineartmuseum.org.au
Exhibition Opening Hours: Thurs – Sat 11am – 4pm, Sun 12pm – 4pm
Admission to CAM is free.
More details of the exhibition and public program will be available from the beginning of February.